Wednesday, March 25, 2009

THE NEXT SPIKE JONZE FILM: "Where The Wild Things Are"

The next film from director Spike Jonze is an adaptation from a classic children's book of the same name:

The book tells the story of Max, who one evening plays around his home, "making mischief" in a wolf costume (chasing the dog with a fork,and growling at his mom etc.). As punishment, his mother sends him to bed without supper. In his room, a mysterious, wild forest grows out of his imagination, and Max journeys to the land of the Wild Things. The Wild Things are fearsome-looking monsters, but Max conquers them "by staring into their yellow eyes without blinking once," and he is made "the King of all Wild Things." However, he soon finds himself lonely and homesick, and he returns home to his bedroom, where he finds his supper waiting for him, still hot.

The film at this point is in post production stages, with no set release date. But peep a short clip below:

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