Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I just recently saw this for the first time. Directed by David Cronenberg, undeniable classic.

Welcome To The Art World


The Art World....according to Amir George is my new blog on EyeinPr.com where I will host interviews with artist, and post other artistic ish...Enjoy!

Monday, April 14, 2008


Yesterday morning I woke up as she turned on the news, I turned over as a reporter reported on schools that had been closed due to harmful threats, I laughed. I knew that school threats had become something that people took for granted. Anybody could've been calling in and making any type of ridiculous statements. I had class at 2, I almost missed my stop getting off the train, I was already 10 min. late then I got to the door.

I couldnt believe it, I think im going to make a movie about this.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

THE DOPE SHIT: Swarovski Crystalized Male and Female Skulls

I saw this on a art auction site (capucinesboulevard.com) and couldnt believe it.

The creator of these works of art is Quinn Gregory.

"While the artist was a lawyer for several years; approximately four years ago he was diagnosed with a rare heart disease. This diagnosis altered Quinn’s life in many ways. Naturally, it forced Quinn to focus on death and how our Society deals with death. Quinn strongly believes that our bodies are merely shells we use while here on Earth (nothing more or less). He believes that the human skeleton is innately beautiful. He also loves the extremes of death (in the form of a human skull) and bejeweling it with colorful Swarovski Crystals. Each original and limited Quinn Gregory Skull contains somewhere between 8,500 to 12,500 crystals. Each skull is obviously unique and ‘re-named’ by the artist. While there are a few Quinn Gregory Skulls shown herein, alternative colors and combinations of the Swarovski Crystals used are available by custom order." (capucines)